
Here is an overview over my creative work: Writing, videos essays and podcasts.

Please subscribe to these channels! That way, we can stay in touch : )

My Podcast

The Time Is Now — my personal audio feed, in which I publish conversations with people I find interesting, mostly about the meaning of life and so on.

Latest episode:


The Sabbatical — on the quiet time I’ve spent away from work

The Tree Manifesto — a poetic look at living life slowly and full of intent

The Inner Child — on becoming friends with your child-self and helping it grow up

To Do What is Right — on the slow quest of finding purpose and the key currencies in life

YouTube Essays

The Art of Saying Goodbye — on making the most of an everyday ritual

Sabbaticals and why they're important — on the magical power of taking breaks

Lowering of The Armor — on living honestly and vulnerably

Collaboration and Natural Creativity — on how I like to work and how to let your life’s work emerge

The Power-Agency-Love Pipeline — on gaining a sense of security in the world

Other Podcasts

I Play Therefore I Am — comissioned production for medianet berlinbrandenburg e.V., in which my co-host Florian Masuth and I interview leaders from the games industry, focusing on their careers and life philosophies.

Some of the best moments from the podcast:

Executive Stories — comissioned production for media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V., in which I interviewed 15 leaders and CEOs from the Berlin media industry, getting to know their life stories and philosophies.

Highlight episode with Paw Linnemann Larsen, MD Epic Games Germany at the time:

POGcast — the podcast belonging to the Purpose of Gaming project, in which Paul Schlesier and I speak with content creators about their gaming life stories.

Highlight episode with MissRage (in German):


My podcast appearances

Sometimes friends invite me to be on their shows.


Content, Creative & Crumbs

  • 2022: Life and Work in the Rhythm of the Seasons: 7 interactive lectures, bridging the timeless wisdom of the I Ching with our attendees modern problems like parenthood and career.
  • 2022: Living Well and Thinking Big: 3-part teaching series on life design, cultivating and managing visionary ability, and on my self-developed creativity and mythmaking workshop “The Village”.
  • 2022: Mini role in short film “Michelle” (Dir. Lena Kömmling)
  • 2020: GOOD TALK: Long form interview series with Twitch streamers and personalities. (5 episodes)
  • 2020: Purpose of Gaming: Interview series with gaming personalities. (6 episodes)
  • 2019: Hosted a fireside chat w/ Rinaldo Andreolli (Wargaming, Riot Games)
  • 2019: Von Stiften und Stühlen: Pen and paper RPG adventure on Spotify. (12 episodes)
  • 2017: Von Brillen und Bärten: Comedy podcast on Spotify. (23 episodes)